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 Ben Noble | Night Wakes


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(includes WAV, MP3, and press photos by Laura Nickel)


RELEASE CONCERT: 03.14.19 at Bryant Lake Bowl in Mpls

with guests Kara Laudon and Josh Tarp

7:00 - Kara Laudon

8:00 - Josh Tarp

9:00 - Ben Noble

6pm Doors

$9 adv | $11 door


Night Wakes is FCC CLEAN


For immediate release



After releasing his first record Whisky Priest, Ben Noble went through a prolonged period of creative gloom. Writing, recording, and releasing his first record was a task Noble felt drawn to his whole life, but after slaying the figurative dragon, Noble felt empty, the creative well was dry. What now? What other story was there to tell? Did anyone even care?


Around this time, Noble also began seeing a professional counselor to face demons that had plagued him his whole life. The re-opening of long-scabbed-over wounds mixed with intense writer's block caused Noble to enter a season of "night wakes", or episodes of sharp anxiety that kept him up at night. A miscarriage in the winter of 2018 is what finally drove Noble to write the lyrics for what would become Night Wakes.


It is the lead single from his forthcoming record, which is on track to debut in the fall of 2019. Originally titled "An Open Letter To My Anxiety" it is an attempt to call out and fight against the darkness. We all face our demons when we wake at night.



It's a long way back, the phantom scream that lies in wait for me

The night awakens all my demons, I can't go back

All the ways that I have memorized you


Let go


Oh the waking goes, in all the ways you seasoned for the wolf

It's a fight to rid my mind of all you borrowed, I can't go

All the ways that I have memorized you


Let go


I want to fight it all, I want to fight, I want to fight it all

The fray, the way the midnight oscillations come (back and forth and back)

I want to fight, want to fight it

The way the midnight modulates the wounds that stay from sleep to waking up

(and forth and back)

I want to fight, want to fight it

I want to fight it all



MUSIC VIDEO (release date 03.08.19 on The Current)




Video produced by Andrew Hatling and Evelyn Sadowski.





Ben Noble is a Minneapolis-based singer-songwriter who released his debut album Whisky Priest in the Spring of 2017. Fully self-produced and recorded in a cabin, Whisky Priest is a journey of exacting introspection. Noble loves the contrast of serene, innocent melodies with a haunting chorus of falsetto voices. Live, he blends delicate melodies with electronic elements for a truly unique sonic experience.


"Ben Noble's music is a sonic sanctuary" - CITY PAGES


"Instant chills" - SLEEPING BAG STUDIOS




Press: Krista Vilinskis at Tinderbox Music:

Booking: Ben Noble at




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